Monday, November 22, 2010


Dear Friends and Colleagues in the Faith:


Hebrews 10:36
36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

As we are in the final week of the 40 Days of Prayer for Haiti and its upcoming elections, many are feeling weary. We can call it “Battle fatigue.” We have been battling on our knees crying out and interceding for Haiti. Some have been fasting and praying, others have been writing about Haiti. I personally found it very challenging trying to fit these daily writings in an already hectic schedule. We all have made some kind of sacrifice of time, money or energy and quite naturally its beginning to wear on us. But nevertheless, we must continue to endure. The prize is never given to the swift nor the strong but to those who endure to the end. As we read in Heb 10:36, “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Last night as Beraca Baptist Church gathered to pray for Haiti live on Radio Lumiere, we had some challenges as we did last week. Last week’s emission was cancelled because of difficulties in Haiti and this week we were facing the same fate. We were schedule to go on from 7pm to 8pm when we began to experience all kinds of technical difficulties but nevertheless, we continued to pray and worship the Lord. We worked through the entire hour trying to fix the problem but was unsuccessful. The Spirit of the Lord prompted us to continue praying and worshipping even though our hour was over. Amazingly at 8:10 there was a breakthrough and we went on the air for 45 minutes. We don’t know what God was doing behind the scene, we don’t know why all the difficulties. It would have been easy to give up and say we gave it our best try, but we persevered through prayer and in the end countless Haitians were blessed and encouraged. Let us not give up but rather strengthen ourselves and each other to press forward in prayer and fasting knowing that we will receive what God has promised us because He is faithful. As we pray tonight, ask the Lord to strengthen His people who are on the frontline of the battle so that we may endure and not give up.

With U 4 Him

Mullery Jean-Pierre
Pastor, Beraca Baptist Church

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