Sunday, December 5, 2010



Theme Verse
2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

The above passage begins by telling us to repent from a sin that generally grips the hearts of God’s people, pride. “If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves...” Humility is the remedy that God prescribes for this sin that usually goes unnoticed in the life of a believer. Pride is the sin that God hates the most and punishes the swiftest. Pride caused Satan and a third of the angels to be cast out of heaven. Pride caused Adam and Eve to be cast out of the Garden of Eden, and pride will cause us to not repent of our sin. “Pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way … do I hate” (Proverbs 8:13). God resists the proud and so do people. That is why conflicts are stirred up, because “only by pride cometh contention” (Proverbs 13:10). Pride is putting ourselves on an equal level with God. Pride is projecting on the outside what is not true on the inside. We spend time embellishing the outside so that we can project an image of perfection to others whereas, we don’t spend time examining the inside where the real person dwells. Our hearts and motives go unchecked to the point that we don’t even notice when we look down on someone because of their background and culture, the way they dress, their level of education or material possession. We have an attitude of superiority; that is pride. As Pastors and leaders we must take extra precautions in this area. We compare each other by our accomplishments and accolades, the size of our congregation or the appearance of our building. When we do that, we are entertaining pride. The only remedy for pride is humility. If we want God to heal our land, we must first begin to deal with the issue of pride. Before you pray today, take an inventory of your attitude, check your motives, and examine your heart to see what degree of pride is there. Pray and ask the Lord to help you to humble yourself and help you to recognize when pride lurking at the door your heart.

With U4 Him
Mullery Jean-Pierre
Pastor, Beraca Baptist

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