Dear Friends and Colleagues in the Faith:
***Tonight at 7pm the Beraca Baptist Church Pray for Haiti 40 Days of Prayer will AIRED LIVE across Haiti on Radio Lumiere. Please join your hearts and voices with ours as we lift up Haiti before the Lord.
There are seven more days to go until Election Day in Haiti. It is amazing to see how many believers think that Christians should not participate in the elections. Some Christians believe that we should not vote; others believe that Christians should not even run for elected office. This is far from the truth we find in the bible. As a result of that faulty thinking; when the Christians turned their backs on the public sector, society began to slide into darkness and has never fully recovered. Most of our medical institutions bear Christian names but the spirit of God is nowhere to be found. Great Universities such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton founded by Christians and built on Christian values and principles gave way to secular humanist ideology. Why? Because Christians abandoned them. When the Evangelicals turned a blind eye on the civil rights movement led by Dr Martin Luther King Jr and many others, it prolonged the suffering and finally gave way for the homosexual agenda to infiltrate. We must begin to understand that God created government not man. It is God that raises Kings and it is He who dethrones them. Daniel 2:21 says, “He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.” We read that Daniel was a prime minister and did not compromise his faith while in office but because of his faith he was elevated into his position (Dan. 1:3–20). If God did it in Daniel time don’t you think he can do it in our time? It was God who gave Moses and the children of Israel all three branches of our government in the United States; our judicial, legislative and executive branches. He gave us our sanitary system. He gave us our medical system and its symbol. Look on the side of our ambulances you will see a snake on a pole. This comes from God. In Numbers 21:4-9 when the fiery serpents began to bite the people of Israel, they began to die and God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and place it on a pole and anyone who looks upon it will be healed. My question is, if God created all of this for His people to live orderly and productive lives, so, why aren’t his people engaged. Shouldn’t we have Godly men and women serving in public office? Shouldn’t we have godly people in the halls of justice? Shouldn’t they be Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senator and Governors? We need to pray and we need to get involved in electing Godly men and women if we really want to see change in Haiti. The bible tells us to occupy until He comes. That means get involved in doing God’s work while we are still living on earth wherever He has called us to serve until He returns. Tonight let us pray that God will raise Godly leaders to run the country of Haiti.
With U4 Him
Mullery Jean-Pierre
Pastor, Beraca Baptist Church
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